
BEST Aeroponic solution for medical plants cultivation

FarmAero is an innovative aeroponic growing system that enhances the aeroponic design, creating a resilient root growth environment for plants while reducing maintenance for growers.

FarmAero comes in two types to meet different needs: the Multi-Layered Planting System (FAM) and the Single-Layer Planting System (FAS).

About Aeroponics

Aeroponics, hailed as the most efficient advanced planting technique in today’s agricultural sector, is at the forefront of modern farming technologies. It not only conserves significant water resources and enhances fertilizer absorption rates but also achieves minimal fertilizer waste. According to studies by Stoner (1983) and NASA (2006), the aeroponic system excels in reducing labor costs, water usage by 98%, fertilizer usage by 60%, and eliminating the need for pesticides and herbicides in root areas. Furthermore, it maximizes plant yields by 45% to 75%, surpassing both hydroponic and geoponic systems.

Reinfa's Aeroponics

  • More Resilient Root Environment for Plants
  • Less Maintenance Workload for Growers


FarmAero distinguishes its aeroponic technology by prioritizing plant growth through meticulous design features and innovative aeroponic technology. The optimization of planting container design, careful selection of nozzles, and precise control of water collectively contribute to a more resilient root environment. This not only enhances the cooling and oxygen volume of the planting container but also minimizes the risk of clogging, ultimately reducing maintenance tasks for growers.

FarmAero: A High-Efficiency, Low-Maintenance Aeroponic Cultivation Technique

Features of FarmAero

Maximize Energy Efficiency  •     Optimize Fertilizer Efficiency    •     Elevate Work Efficiency

FarmAero M

An innovative multi-layer aeroponic cultivation system tailored for commercial medical plant growers. Built with a user-centric approach, this system optimizes the growing experience across five key aspects: aeroponic device, light lift, in-rack airflow system, LED grow lights, and a movable multi-tier grow rack. The result is an enhanced cultivation process, improved yields, user-friendly operation, and low maintenance – a game-changer for commercial medical plant cultivators.

Boost yields: How FarmAero M Amazes Commercial Indoor Cannabis Growers with Innovative Aeroponic Vertical Farming Technology

FarmAero S

A Single-Layer Planting System (FAS), coupled with Reinfa’s rolling bench, provides users with a sophisticated yet cost-effective aeroponic option.

Data of FarmAero for a 1200 Feet Grow Room

Suppose the room size is 40 feet long, 30 feet wide

Production Lines


Pots Quantity


Net Grow Areas

1280 sq ft / 119M²

Production Lines


Pots Quantity


Net Grow Areas

620 sq ft / 58m2

FarmAero: A High-Efficiency, Low-Maintenance Aeroponic Cultivation Technique

Safer Root Environment Boosts Cannabis Growth with Reinfa’s FarmAero

Boost yields: How FarmAero M Amazes Commercial Indoor Cannabis Growers with Innovative Aeroponic Vertical Farming Technology

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